Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy

How is energy collected from this altenative souce?

Nuclear power is the controlled use of nuclear reactions to release energy for work including propulsion, heat, and the generation of electricity. Human use of nuclear power to do significant useful work is currently limited to nuclear fission and radioactive decay.

What are the advantages of using this energy source?

Nearly 20% of the United States electricity is provided by nuclear reactors. Each separate reactor actually creates more power output than a typical coal plant because the reactors are generally larger.
Nuclear reactors do not burn any fossil fuels so the plants do not give off any emissions or pollution into the air. This is very beneficial because pollution and burning has caused a greenhouse effect that could dramatically affect future generations.

How is this source good for the envionment?

There are actually more benifits of Nuclear Energy than drawbacks.

What are the disadvantages of using this source?

The major drawbacks are the threat of catastrophic failure, and the creation of radioactive waste products. The waste materials from nuclear power geneation are biologically toxic and must be stored, securely, for decades or longer.

What states and countries use this source?

Nuclear energy makes up 80% of France's energy intake. The USA has over 100 power plants and many countries are building more nuclear power plants (like India and China.) Poland is starting on Nuclear energy in 2020.


In 1100 the aztecs came from the land of Aztlan to mexico and they lived there till 1522.

The Aztec civilization lasted around 900 years before it was flourished/defeted.

Montezuma II's headdress was made from the feathers of over 250 birds.

The Aztecs bury a dead member of their family inside their house. Strangely enough, they were buried under their own house! This was a custom that the Aztec adopted from the Maya.

When the Aztec warriors had run out of food, they ate their dead enemies. Aztec warriors never ate dead comrades, but dead enemies were a different matter, though.

The punishment for a poor person caught wearing clothes that only the rich were allowed to wear was to have their house demolished.

Blood was the 'precious water' that the Gods needed to be fed, as a reminder of the sacrifice they made for all of Mankind.

Poor Aztec families sometimes sold their children in order to get some money.

The Aztecs cooked there foods by placing the food on a large hardened clay disk held up by three big stones over a fire.

The poor aztecs would live in branches plastered with mud.

Aztec women helped in weaving textiles and taking care of the home. The Aztecs also included women in their work force. Women worked as merchants, traders, scribes, courtesans, healers, and midwives. The Spaniards remarked in some documents that the Aztec female healers were more skilled then the European doctors of their time.

They mostly hunted and went to war. They were primarily responsible for supporting the family. As such, the Aztec daily life for many of the men was to farm or engage in craftwork.

The Aztec Empire was peopled by a group that was once nomadic, the Mexicas. Their chroniclers told them that after their long journey from Aztlán, they found themselves to be outcasts, until they found the sign sent to them by their god Huitzilopochtli, and began to build their city. And so the Mexica peoples continued, and the Aztec Empire began. And more of the info. is on the 10 fact on top of this my resreach help was yahoo, and google lol (^_^).